The story of Palm Sunday gives us an evocative picture of the world in which Jesus lived – you can just imagine the sights, smells and sounds that went along with the scene. But what does the ‘Triumphal entry’ to
Feel the warmth of the sunshine! Lent Materials Update
It seems slightly bonkers to be talking about the warmth of the sunshine today! Here’s the view from my window right now: But I’ve been thinking about sunshine warmth lately in relation to the Lent materials I am currently writing
Lent Retreat Day and Journalling Kit
This is a little bit of advance information about Creative Bible Journalling for Lent 2019! (Sorry, no photographs yet, but the colour scheme will be Lent-appropriate!) I’ll be holding a Retreat Day in Edinburgh on Saturday 16th March from 10am-4pm. If
2019 Verse for the Year
Happy New Year! Will the New Year be happy? Is there anything we can do about it? Of course there are lots of things we cannot control, but we do have power over our own priorities, attitudes, responses and self-care.
Preparing to Prepare – Advent 2018
It’s a week to go until Advent Sunday and I find myself ‘preparing to prepare’. Advent is traditionally a time of preparation: as we get ready for Christmas we think about what it means for God to appear on earth
Reflections on the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ Creative Bible Journalling Retreat
Last week was one of those pivotal experiences where you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you and telling you that ‘this is the way, walk in it’. Since I started leading Bible Journalling UK a year ago, I’ve done a
Fruit of the Spirit kits available for you to use at home
I’ve been posting on Facebook about the beautiful experience of leading a retreat last week on the Isle of Cumbrae, journalling with the Fruit of the Spirit. Several of you expressed sadness that you couldn’t join in – it’s certainly
Have you found your inner sheep?
As adults we often carry a lot of responsibility. Some of us work in places with lots of stress and high pressure – be it at home caring for family, or beyond. We encounter pain and suffering either first hand
Too much Psalm 23
Can you read the Bible too much? Can you know Scripture too well? Take Psalm 23 for example. Many of us know it by heart. Most of us have sung the song and know all the words. We only need
It’s official: thanksgiving is good for us!
The Bible is full of references to the importance of gratitude and thanksgiving, from Psalm 100 to 1 Thessalonians 5:18, or Revelation 11:17. It is an essential part of spiritual discipline and the frequent Biblical exhortations suggest that it is